My dear husband, being the fantastic man he is, decided to give me a YEAR’s subscription to FabFitFun, thus checking off present buying for an entire year. Christmas, Birthday, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and Anniversary presents all rolled into one! Talk about a man’s dream. 😝
I received some amazing products in my winter FFF box, and it wetted my appetite for the next box- Spring 2018! I checked the forums for sneak peaks. I waited with baited breath for spoilers. Finally, I got an email with some very important dates.
I couldn’t wait! This made my birthday month even sweeter. I added some products to my box, went through the customization process, and waited (not so patiently) for my box to ship. And waited. And waited. Finally I got my shipment confirmation with a FedEx tracking number, which meant I would be literally watching my box travel across the country. Lucky box!
March 5th was supposed to be the day I got my box, but as I was checking my beautiful box’s status daily (okay sometimes hourly), I noticed that it was set to be delivered by my post office and scheduled to be at said post office three days before my scheduled delivery date. Yes!
I got in my car March 2nd, after seeing that my box had checked in at the post office, drove to my local post office, walked in and headed straight to the front desk. The postal worker that helped me knows me pretty well, and went to check for my box even though he was dubious about it being there. I noticed some searching in the back as he walked from one end of the warehouse to the other. Finally, he came into view carrying my big box! He joked with me about my mail carrier being thankful that I had come in to pick up this large parcel, we said our goodbyes in typical Minnesota fashion, and I proudly drove home with my box tucked safely in the passenger’s seat. We made it home safe and sound- my box was HOME! I couldn’t wait to open the box and see all my goodies. Here’s what I found inside:
If you’d like to get in on the FabFitFun here’s a link that will get FabFitFun $10 off! What a steal!