I have come to the conclusion that homeschooling is not for the faint of heart. These precious children that you love so much can sometimes be difficult and unruly. Sometimes the curriculum, that you thought would be incredible, can turn out to be a nightmare. Frequently, the house is a wreck, you have nothing but cereal for supper and you wonder when you will find time for lesson plans before tumbling into bed at night. At times you question the decision to educate your children at home.
I certainly don't have any magic product that will make your life as a homeschooling mom or dad picture perfect. We all struggle. We all fall. The good news is that from all the time and effort you invest in your child you will reap a wonderful reward. There is a great sense of accomplishment when the light goes on in your child's mind and they finally "get it". From character development to calculus, let us trust in the Lord to guide us and we can run without growing weary and walk without fainting.
"But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
Little House Studies
Today we officially began our Little House studies. We read the first two chapters of Little House In The Big Woods, at the end of which the kids begged me to read more. Unfortunately, we still needed to finish math, reading, grammar and science so we couldn't read any more this morning. I promised that if they completed their work well, we would read more later. Here is what we did.
February 29,2012
Chapters 1 and 2 of Little House In The Big Woods
Make butter
Watch video about the science of butter making at http://thehappyscientist.com/science-video/making-butter
Questions and Additional Experiments
Is butter a mixture or solution?
Look at whipping cream under a microscope.
Look at butter under a microscope.
What differences do you note?
What caused the change?
What would happen if you allowed air into the jar?
What is the chemical caused by leaving the cream out over night.
Worksheets from http://www.gardenofpraise.com/bgwood1.htm; http://www.gardenofpraise.com/bgwood2.htm
The Story Of The World, Chapter 16-The Expanding United States
Scrapbook page of favorite season
Start Little House journal
Learning Language Arts Through Literature
March 1,2012
Little House In The Big Woods chapter 3
Owl Study
Reading-"Owl Moon"
Categorize the Screech Owl
Listen to the screech owl on CD
Is The owl diurnal or nocturnal?
Night observation of owl
Owl diet
Owl pellets
Percussion-cap gun and the chemicals and physics involved.
What chemical causes the percussion-cap to spark?
How does the flint lock mechanism work?
Field trip-next week black powder gun demonstration.
Flintlock gun and Percussion-cap Gun history
Artistic Pursuits page 28
-Shape and Form-owl
Little House Journal
-pretend you are a pioneer girl/boy. Write about what you enjoy, or dislike about your everyday life. What would your daily and weekly routines look like?
Learning Language Arts Through Literature